Open international conference „Contemporary problems of mathematics, mechanics and informatics (CPMMI 2022)“

Under the auspices of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, the Seventh International Scientific Conference entitled „Contemporary Problems of Mathematics, Mechanics and Informatics (CPMMI 2022)“ was opened today at the State University in Novi Pazar.
The participants were greeted by the rector of the State University in Novi Pazar, prof. Dr. Dragoslav Šumarac, who pointed out that the mathematical conference gathered over 50 professors and scientists from the country and abroad.
This renowned scientific meeting was opened by an academicianSerbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SANU) prof. Dr. Stevan Pilipović.
Chairman of the conference prof. Dr. Ćemal Dolicanin pointed out that the main goal is for leading professors, scientists and researchers to exchange ideas and knowledge and contribute to improving the quality of these scientific fields. Also, the conference should contribute to the strengthening of scientific and research work at the university.
Prof. Ćemal Dolicanin, Ph.D., emphasizes that during the past years significant progress has been made in the aforementioned scientific fields, which enables many practical problems to be solved, and that Prof. Dr. Teodor Atanacković and Prof. Dr. Stevan Pilipović, academicians of SANU.
The first international conference entitled „Contemporary problems of mathematics, mechanics and informatics“ was held at the State University in Novi Pazar in 2010.