The study program consists of three groups of subjects, the first of which is intended for basic methodological approaches in the study of problems within the main disciplines and beyond (first semester), the second refers to contextual approaches relevant to the study of problems in the built environment, with the possibility of directing research topics through attending elective courses (second and third semesters), and the third is intended for the student’s independent research work in cooperation with the mentor (in the fourth and fifth semesters independent research within which the problem is defined, in the sixth preparation, application and preparation of the doctoral dissertation).During the course of studies, in cooperation with the mentor, it is planned that each student will reach results of scientific importance and publish them in appropriate scientific publications.
The main purpose of the study program Doctoral Academic Studies in Architecture is the acquisition of high scientific research competencies in the field of disciplines related to the built environment. Great attention is paid to the expediency of special methodological procedures characteristic of research in the mentioned areas (primarily „Project Research“). The uniqueness of this program is the high level of multidisciplinary research, caused by a large number of phenomena that characterize the built space. Candidates – students of this study program are expected to integrate and synthesize the areas of their research.
The main goal of the proposed Study Program is to acquire the highest level of academic education in the field of architecture, urbanism and construction technology of architectural buildings. This means training students for analysis, systematization, synthesis and research, which is based on relevant assessments of problem settings from the mentioned fields, as well as for independent and responsible scientific research work, individually or in a team, within scientific research or higher education institutions.
The doctoral study program will enable students to acquire the knowledge, skills, abilities and competences to:
* independently solve practical and theoretical problems in areas related to the built environment, organize and carry out development and scientific research;
* they can get involved in the implementation of international scientific projects;
* they can realize the development of new technologies and procedures in the framework of architecture and urbanism, as well as understand and use the most modern knowledge in the mentioned scientific fields;
* communicate at a professional level in communicating scientific research results;
* they are able to communicate these results at scientific conferences, publish them in scientific and other relevant journals, through new creative and technical solutions;
* thoroughly know and understand the disciplines related to the built environment.