Students at this Department are educated in the fields of Serbian and English philology and literature, and are trained for further scientific research work. Students acquire scientific and professional knowledge and skills in accordance with the needs of the society and projected social development. The study programs at this Department are designed to train students in a comprehensive and in-depth way for educational activities, for work at scientific institutes, cultural institutions and in the media. Students are enabled to acquire broader knowledge and skills, and are capacitated to solve specific problems in the field of philology. Having in mind the importance of philology and its incorporation into all spheres of life and work, experts of these profiles have socially justified and useful competencies. The Department combines higher education activities and scientific research activities as components of a unified process of higher education, which should prepare students for recognizable, socially justified and useful professions and occupations which are of general and fundamental importance for social development. The Department of Philology offers undergraduate academic studies, integrated academic studies, and master academic studies.
Integrated Academic Studies
Master’s Academic Studies
- Serbian literature and language
- English language and literature