The study program of Master’s academic studies Capacity building for the development of the public sector lasts one year (2 semesters), has a total of 60 ESPB and belongs to the field of social and humanities, the field of economic science.
The study program of the master’s academic studies Building capacities for the development of the public sector prescribes the compulsory and optional subjects of the program. The student is obliged to pass all mandatory and the number of optional subjects prescribed by the study program. The final master’s thesis is included in the total number of points required to complete the master’s academic studies, as well as the introductory thesis and professional practice.
The purpose of the study program of the master’s academic studies Capacity building for the development of the public sector is to provide the necessary theoretical, methodological and professional knowledge, which are necessary for students for the needs of building capacity for the development of the public sector, and which relate to understanding the role of the organization, legal regulation, financing, position and management in the public sector. Considering that the public sector is understood complex organizational systems, such as public companies, institutions, civil society organizations and all forms of state and non-state administration, studying issues of organization, financing, management, marketing, legal regulations, specific methodologies of the public sector structure, sources of financing, communication and information, as and IT technology in this sector should enable students to acquire enough knowledge to solve a large number of complex problems in this sector.
The purpose of the study program is that, on the basis of deepened and improved methodological, theoretical and applied knowledge, students are trained to perform the most complex analytical and management activities in public administration organizations, in complex conditions of global economic processes and accelerated technological development.
The purpose of the study program is to provide students with quality fundamental, theoretical-methodological, scientific-professional and professional application knowledge for their further scientific training.
The study program of master’s academic studies Capacity building for public sector development enables students to acquire broader knowledge and skills in the field of capacity building for public sector management. The following general objectives of the program are defined:
* Improving knowledge and acquiring new ones, to solve specific problems of the public sector;
* Development of the methodology of scientific research in the field of the public sector, in order to achieve sustainability;
* Achieving a balance between the scope of general education, methodological and professional subjects;
* A balanced relationship between the workload through different types of teaching and learning: lectures, exercises, seminar papers, consultations and individual student work;
* Encouraging systematic student participation through team and individual work and presentation of learning results;
* Training students to solve the problems of the public sector and to develop new models of its organization and management.
Students who complete basic academic studies in the field of Building capacity for public sector development must possess general competencies, which can be listed as follows: instrumental competencies: ability to analyze and synthesize, plan and organize, ability to solve public sector problems, information management skills; interpersonal competences: teamwork, ability to communicate; system competencies: ability to apply knowledge in practice, ability to adapt to new situations, ability to work independently, ability to manage projects in public administration, etc.
Students will also possess subject-specific, professional competences, that is, skills and knowledge that the student can possess at the end of the studies as an educational basis for application in the field of the public sector. Learning outcomes are identified through the following elements:
* Acquiring knowledge related to public administration, its position in the system of division of power, basic theoretical concepts of administration and their influence on contemporary positive-legal determination of public administration,
* The ability of students to apply professional knowledge, modern methods and techniques in the processes of planning, organizing, leading and controlling various jobs, undertakings and organizational systems in the field of the public sector,
* Increasing the level of awareness about the importance of the application of information and communication technologies in administration and management, as well as expanding knowledge about e-government in European countries and the impact on reforms of the principles of work,
* Training students to: understand the financial environment relevant to public administration organizations; understanding of the institutional and legal framework of financial management in public administration, etc.
* Students’ training for practical application of professional knowledge for managing time, costs, resources, quality, risk, finances (budget), contracts and communications in planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of projects,
* Students’ training for the practical application of professional knowledge when applying legal regulations and modern methods of anti-corruption action,
* Familiarizing students with the role and principles of marketing in public sector organizations and training them to plan, implement and control marketing activities from the perspective of value creation, by fulfilling the needs of citizens.