During the course of studies, two compulsory courses are planned, one in the first and one in the second semester. Classes are held in the first three semesters. In the fourth semester, as part of the seminar work, a description of the results prepared for publication in the appropriate journals from the SCI list is provided. The fifth and sixth semesters are intended for the preparation of a doctoral dissertation. The defended doctoral dissertation earns 60 ECTS.
* Creation of highly intellectual staff in mathematics with the aim of improving it,
* acquiring opportunities for involvement in development and scientific work, solving problems in mathematics and other fields, where the application of mathematical tools is required,
* meeting the needs for professional and qualified staff in social, service, commercial and other activities.
* упознавање са математичким моделовањем, као и са различитим применама математике у природним, техничким, друштвеним и другим наукама и струкама,
* стицање способности за проналажење и откривање проблема и њихово креативно решавање коришћењем математичког алата,
* овладавање вештинама праткичне употребе и примене информационих технологија.
Students will get the necessary expertise for various technical jobs and occupations in society, state administration and the public and private sector, which includes an analytical way of thinking, basic knowledge in the field of mathematics, knowledge of statistics and the ability to use mathematical modeling to solve various problems. Also, it is possible to work at faculties and different scientific research institutes, in the country and abroad.