The study program of basic vocational studies in health care for obtaining the title of Vocational Nurse (prof. med. ses.), lasts 3 years and is carried out in 6 semesters with a total of 4,605 hours, of which 2,250 are hours of active teaching, while 2,355 are for professional practice. hours, thus meeting the recommendations of Directive 2013/55/EU of the European Parliament and the Council of Europe of November 20, 2013, which refers to the mutual recognition of diplomas, certificates and other documents on formal qualifications in health care. Teaching is conducted in the form of lectures, practical exercises, seminars, thematic workshops and students’ professional practice and independent work through which they acquire knowledge and skills and master the care protocol. The total engagement of students through all planned forms of teaching is expressed by the number of 180 ESPB points, where 134 points refer to practical and theoretical classes, 37 for professional practice and 10 ESPB for the final thesis. The main areas of study in the study program are health care, basic and social sciences. In this sense, the institution has provided teaching bases: clinics, hospitals, gerontology centers, spas and other adequate institutions. Candidates applying for admission to studies take an entrance exam in the subjects of biology and chemistry.
The Health Care study program is based on the Law on Higher Education of the Republic of Serbia, the principles of European higher education contained in the Bologna Declaration, the views and recommendations of international professional and academic associations in the field of health care and, above all, the needs of society for highly educated personnel who can follow rapid professional development,science and practice in the field of health care. This study program trains personnel for the organization of management of nursing services both in primary health care and in secondary and tertiary care, starting from work in outpatient clinics, to highly professional work in intensive care units. At the end of her three-year education, a modern professional nurse-technician fully masters professional skills, i.e. optimal and efficient procedures, methods and techniques of care for patients and other clients who need additional health care and protection.
After completing the basic vocational studies in Health Care, the graduated student acquires the title of Professional Nurse and is qualified to perform health care. After taking and passing the exams, completing the exercises and completing professional practice, the graduated student acquires a title that is harmonized with the Classification of Occupations of the Republic Institute for Statistics of the Republic of Serbia, 2011. (professional nurse, professional med. nurse). After completing their studies, students of the study program Health care (occupation: professional nurse) acquire a title that is in accordance with the List of professional, academic and scientific titles adopted by the National Council for Higher Education of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia. General competences refer to the ability to successfully implement health care towards the patient, the implementation of preventive measures to preserve and protect the health of the population, i.e. health promotion, the improvement of measures and procedures in the rational use of drugs and certain types of medical devices, the choice of the most optimal health care in the case of the existence of parallel option, rationalization of costs for the implementation of established health care or treatment protocols, monitoring of unwanted reactions to drugs and medical agents, as well as avoiding or reducing these reactions, avoiding interactions, therapeutic duplication of drug administration, other tasks of therapeutic activity in accordance with the law. The obtained diploma also enables enrollment in specialist professional studies in the fields of medical sciences.