Career development
The basic goal of KZRK is to provide support to students and graduates in the development of knowledge and skills that will be of importance to them in employment or continuing education, to train a certain group of students who will gain work experience during their studies, to ensure the promotion of students and graduates as the resource of the area from which they originate with the aim of faster and better economic development, to prepare students for entering the labor market after
graduation, to connect them with employers through various projects (such as student internships, visits to local firms and companies…) and to support them in acquiring the knowledge and skills needed in the modern business world, to familiarize them with current trends and to the needs of the economy.
The task of KZRK is to monitor the work and development of graduates (alumni) of the State University in Novi Pazar, to have a unique database with their work status, as well as to ask them, if they are able, to transfer their knowledge and experience to students.
The task of KZRK is to monitor the work and development of graduates (alumni) of the State University in Novi Pazar, to have a unique database with their work status, as well as to ask them, if they are able, to transfer their knowledge and experience to students.
The key role of KZRK is:
to provide adequate support to the students of the State University in Novi Pazar in mastering the knowledge and skills that will be of importance to them in employment;
to help gain work experience during studies and learn about the world of business, and to prepare students for a successful transition to the next level of career development after graduation.
The role of KZRK is not to mediate employment, but to provide relevant information to students to take advantage of potential employment opportunities in direct contact with employers and anything else that can facilitate employment.
In order to ensure an effective system of support for students and graduates in the development of knowledge and skills that will be of importance to them when they are employed or continue their education, KZRK is obliged to carry out the following tasks:
* enables students to access the latest information about current vacancies, occupations and skills that interest employers,
provides students with information and opportunities for further education and possible scholarships in the country and abroad
work on developing abilities, knowledge and skills that are crucial for the process of employment of students and graduates;
connecting the community of students and graduates with the community of the business world
* KZRK helps students to think objectively and constructively about the given possibilities and to plan their future based on the facts and the situation in which all business entities from their environment are.
* KZRK organizes: workshops, short courses, interviews, visits and presentations of employers, in order to help students to better understand the world of business and to master the skills necessary for organizing and successfully managing their own career.
* Help with writing CVs, cover letters and job applications,
* Individual counseling on career development and problems faced by students and graduates,
* Tips and preparations for a job interview,
* Workshops, trainings and seminars of easy skills for career development
* Information about vacancies, internships, volunteering, scholarships…
KZRK cooperates, first of all, with the Student Parliament of the State University in Novi Pazar, which gathers all students and their representatives. KZRK takes care to include in its work through the Student Parliament as many students as possible who are responsible in fulfilling the assigned obligations and duties in order to create a good support for later activities at the very beginning.
KZRK cooperates with all University bodies that are in any way directly connected with students in order to always have the right information about new opportunities that can be provided to students with the development of the University with the aim of their constant improvement.
KZRK cooperates with all centers and offices for career development that have already been established at all state universities in the country and abroad in order to be familiar with current events and opportunities for development and acquisition of new knowledge.
Cooperation is also achieved with all state institutions and organizations that are important for the development of students and their subsequent training and employment, such as the National Employment Service, the Chamber of Commerce, employers’ associations, etc.
Decision on establishing an office for career development and monitoring of graduates
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